Start a new chapter in your life.

Free spiritual, financial, & relationship resources to help you get unstuck and experience a fresh start.

Find new hope and joy

Be loved no matter what

Help others get unstuck

Sundays at 11:00am • 5959 Sharon Woods Blvd, Columbus Ohio 43229

The church should be the most helpful place in the neighborhood.




Life is filled with hardships that can knock you down, and make you feel stuck.

But you don’t have to stay defined by the previous chapters of your life. Experience a fresh start as a friend of God and with more friends nearby to help you turn the page.

Getting unstuck is a journey. You don’t have to go it alone.

1. Gather

Connect in-person or digitally to meet Jesus and some of his helpful people.

2. Go

As you get unstuck, come help others in this neighborhood get unstuck too.

3. Grow

Find a community you can call on when you’re hungry, hurting or in need of some hope.

Upcoming events

Jesus helped us get unstuck. He wants to help you too.

We understand how hard life can be and how easy it is to get stuck. We were stuck before too searching for some help and struggling to find hope in this world. Until we met Jesus. He is both incredibly loving and incredibly powerful to help you no matter the mess you’re in.

  • "I was stuck in a decade long rut of alcoholism"

    In 1998, I was searching for satisfaction in partying, and working like a mad man. I attended a Palm Sunday service at Sharon Woods Church and heard afresh the gospel message of truth, forgiveness, and purpose in life. I kept coming back listening to the preaching and got involved. Finally, after wrestling with many life issues and questions, in the summer of 1999, I decided to answer the invitation to follow Jesus and trust him with every single area of my life. It has been a thrilling journey walking with Jesus and his people, getting unstuck one step at a time. I know have hope, purpose, and a vibrant personal relationship with our Creator.

    - Pastor Doug

Help others get unstuck


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