Free Produce Market

The first Saturday of the month from 10:00am - 12:00pm

With the rising cost of food, everyone could use a little assistance once in a while. We partner with the Mid-Ohio Food Collective to bring you free, delicious produce.

How it works:

  1. When you arrive you will need to park and enter the lobby to register.

  2. Once registered, you will receive a slip of paper indicating that you will receive one or two boxes, based on your family size (one box for families with four or less members and two boxes for families with five or more members).

  3. You will take that with you to your car, drive to the back of the building, turn in to the people distributing the produce, and they will place the food into your vehicle for you.

Please note:

Once a year Mid-Ohio requires that you bring a current bill (gas, electric, or cable) with you to verify your current address. Customers must be income eligible and this institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Upcoming markets:


Finding Financial Freedom Seminars


Toys of Hope Christmas Giveaway